
TechnicalLevel:BasicSummary.TheSpringCreatorsUpdateedition(version1703)wasreleasedtothepubliconApril11thof2017.,Windows10CreatorsUpdate(version1703,codenamedRedstone2)isanupdateforWindows10,whichwasreleasedtothepublicon11April2017.,TheWindows10CreatorsUpdatewillbegintorollouttocustomersaroundtheworldonApril11asafreeupdateandSurfaceBook, ...,Thisisabigday!TodayweopenedaccesstodownloadtheWindows...

Windows 10 Creators Edition Update

Technical Level : Basic Summary. The Spring Creators Update edition (version 1703) was released to the public on April 11th of 2017.

Windows 10 Creators Update

Windows 10 Creators Update (version 1703, codenamed Redstone 2) is an update for Windows 10, which was released to the public on 11 April 2017 .

Windows 10 Creators Update coming April 11, Surface expands to ...

The Windows 10 Creators Update will begin to roll out to customers around the world on April 11 as a free update and Surface Book, ...

Windows 10 Creators Update and Creators Update SDK are Released

This is a big day! Today we opened access to download the Windows 10 Creators Update and, along with it, the Creators Update SDK.

Windows 10 version history

Version 1703 (Creators Update)​​ It was codenamed Redstone 2 (RS2) during development. This version was announced on October 26, 2016, and was released for ...

Windows 10, version 1703

The first preview was released to Insiders on August 11, 2016. The final release was made available to Windows Insiders on March 20, 2017, followed by a public ...

The Windows 10 Creators Update has a release date

The Windows 10 Fall Creators Update will be available worldwide on October 17– a date which will also see the release of the previously announced Mixed Reality ...

The Windows 10 Creators Update Arrives

Windows 10 launched in July 2015, and on April 11, 2017, Microsoft released the third major update to their latest operating system.

How to tell if your PC is running Windows 10 Creators Update

So, Version 1703 for Creators Update means it's from March of 2017 (even though it wasn't officially released until a month later). The previous ...

The Windows 10 Creators Update rollout is now available for all ...

... releases in March and September. Both feature releases will be serviced for 18 months from the date of release. The Creators Update marks ...